Thursday, 13 October 2011

Prophecies For South America

Prophecies For South America
Thomas Manton IV ~ Prophecy To Colombia
O’ Colombia, hear the Word of the Lord! I am about to vindicate the righteous in your land from the threats of violence! And wicked men will begin to fall dead for My precious ones’ sakes, says the Lord! I will begin to thwart out of your land many satanic strategies in this next season. The blood of the martyrs cries out for vengeance and justice! For vengeance is Mine, and I will repay, says the Lord!
The access to the internet that has been sabotaged by local phone companies will be opened up. I will begin to have the restrictions and usury that have been put in place by the ‘controlled’ entities removed. I will cause My face to shine and smile upon your economy over the next five years. For drastic changes and metamorphoses are at hand, says the Lord. I will also cause government leaders of your nation to turn to me in many ways in these next days. For I have already charted a course for them, you see. Some will give their hearts to Me; others will give their ear to Me. But nonetheless, I am God and I will have My way! I am setting up a rule for righteousness to prevail in the land. And I see those who sacrifice and even drink blood in covenant with the devil to gain or keep their power, says the Lord. For all things are open to My gaze. But I will turn over their tables in these days, and many will see and comprehend My ways. My ways are higher, and I am now lighting a fire that will refine the righteous and burn the wicked! For I am setting My torch in place now. And after I light it, that light will shine upon each face, says the Spirit of Grace. I will supernaturally enable My chosen vessels of honour to run My race and be strongly set in place!
Speak to the mountains and see them removed, for now I want My people to move into position! For surely you are in a time of transition, O Columbia! So go, go, go- My precious sons and daughters, for I am now enlarging your borders!
Say no longer ‘I am small,’ for now you are grown, so stand up now ‘big and tall!’ Did I not say in Isaiah 60:22 that ‘A little one would be like a thousand, and a small one as a strong nation?’
Arise, My Church, and take your place! Fear no more the enemy and the wicked, for they shall fall before your eyes! The land is now waiting for you to arise!
I will begin to expose and uproot some deep rooted corruption and systematic patronage that has oppressed the people and given no chance to the small business organizations to flourish, says the Lord. I will interrupt these cycles. And some of your leaders will feel my conviction over these issues and begin to cooperate with Me, and fight for change. The destiny of your nation is breaking forth! A new day is dawning for you, O Columbia!
Your economy will be cleansed and purged. And before it gets better, it will get a little worse. So think it not strange when you see further ‘ups and downs’ and shakings in your industries and in your markets, says the Lord. I will even cause other nations to focus more intensely on dealing with your drug trade, and the corruption that exists both within and outside your borders, says the Lord. You will see this come out in the world media headlines, for I am addressing this issue even now, says the Lord.
Revival will be imported to you, Colombia – from Venezuela, Argentina, and Brazil as well as from other nations! Be careful to entertain strangers correctly, for I am sending them to you! I have had many of My intercessors praying for My outpouring upon you! It shall be so! I will pour out My Spirit upon you, and you will taste and see My glory in your land!
Prepare your hearts for My visitation and My judgments upon the wicked. Do not rejoice when you see men fall, for surely it is My will for all men to repent and come to Me! But the vial of iniquity is now full, and it shall burst shortly. It will be poured out in the streets and washed down into the sewers. And all throughout your land, you will see My hand in this day, says the Lord!
My Apostolic and Prophetic Voices, whom I have appointed and anointed, will travel throughout your land- from the north to the south and from the east to the west. My righteousness shall rest upon your nation! And the ‘waiting’ multitudes will come unto salvation, says the Spirit of Almighty God! Lord, we thank you that your Kingdom is being advanced in Colombia now in greater ways and measures than ever before, in Jesus’ Majestic and Mighty Name! *Amen!

>International Copyright 2003. *Thomas Manton IV ¨ Dominion International. All Rights Reserved. This Prophecy may be reprinted (In Its Entirety) with full display of the Author’s Contact Information only. Please also send us an Original copy of Your publication(s). You may also Print, Forward or Download this Prophecy for Distribution to Individuals and/or Organizations for their Spiritual Enrichment and Edification. Be Richly Blessed You As You Receive The Word Of The Lord!

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