Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Prophecies To Indonesia

Dr Thomas Manton IV * The Word of the Lord Comes Unto me saying unto the  Nation of Indonesia:
*Torrents of fire are raining down upon the nation of Indonesia, says the Spirit of the Lord! The heavens are opening in pockets now; for there has been a vacuum waiting to be filled by Me in your land! Years of intercession, travailing, crying and declarative preaching and proclamations through many voices have been calling for Me to visit your nation, says the Lord. There will come a new release from the oppression of the enemy in your land. As the prince of Persia fought Daniel when blessings were already released, so the enemy has fought you, O Indonesia! There has been a great fight and opposition to keep you captive and seal what was about to break loose for you. This has not been in motion just for a few weeks, but this thing has been in place for many years. But your time of breakthrough and release is now coming, says the Lord your God!

My fire is coming down through tunnels and pockets that are ‘pipelines’ of intercession and deep prayer being released through My faithful remnant. My visitations will touch down in many cities in the nation of Indonesia through the north, the south, the east and the west! I will begin to move in new and great ways in many places.
I will release a new apostolic order the city of Jakarta in the next two to three years from now. This will bring breakthrough in new ways, but it will also breed new unity among the existing leadership in unprecedented ways. Men and women of God from around the world will hear of this supernatural unity and say; “How did this happen?” This could not happen simply through man’s desires. Psalm 133:1 declares to us all that it is good for us to dwell together in unity!
I will release great visitations in the north that has not been there before, and new governments will even be formed there. I will bring reformation in three cities in the north of the nation on the local fronts. I will have righteous government to begin to rule in your midst, says the Lord. I will even put men in positions of authority that had no business being there. I will even have some of My chosen servants to begin to ‘elect’ in the spirit those who should be involved behind the scenes in ruling amongst the people. I will infiltrate your governments by My own Hand.
My own peoples’ influences in the realm of the spirit will begin to flourish and flow in greater ways, says the Lord your God. You will see the release of My fire upon the nation!
The crusades you have seen in the past and even the openings and little growths of churches is nothing to be compared to what is about to happen, says the Lord. Surely I will bring great expansion to My servants, says the Lord. I will grant you great blessings and great provision for building what I desire to be built through My houses all throughout the land.
I will release your airwaves that have been oppressed and kept back from My voices. I have ordained My servants to speak to your masses by television and radio. But your media has been curtailed by the powers that be. But the Lord says that surely in the time to come I will ‘pour’ their voices forth unto you through ‘loopholes’ that I will have created in your media systems.
l will get what I am saying out through newscasts and reports on things that happen through things that I am doing. My Words will be preached and full declarations of My Word will go forth through My voices. Though there has been much fighting against My true servants, surely they will rise again and again with witty ideas and cunning ways of communications. I will get them through one after another.
I see a major printing resource for Christian books, literature and products and materials that will be ordained by Heaven to publish My Words to the masses. This enterprise will expand and then explode in growth in reaching the masses with My Gospel. I will use certain businessmen that are working in the Christian market to and publish and produce Christian materials and make a great impact on the nation. Great distributions of Christian products and materials will be released into the Christian market-place. These distributions will be locally organised in Indonesia by groups of businesses and business-people. I see one man in particular who will be a strategic giant in causing the release of Christian products into the market place. The Word of the Lord will go forth! I am reminded of the Scripture that declares; “Great was the company that published the Word!” The Lord will cause a flourishing to come in this way, and many people will receive the Word of God into their homes and offices on a massive scale!
International Copyright * 2004. Thomas Manton IV * Dominion International. All Rights Reserved. This Prophecy may be reprinted (In Its Entirety) with the Author’s Permission, and with full display of the Author’s Contact Information only. Please also send us an Original copy of the publication(s). You may also Print, Forward or Download this Prophecy for Distribution to Individuals and/or Organizations for their Spiritual Enrichment and Edification. May God Richly Bless You!

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