Friday, 28 October 2011

Mass Deliverance

There is a unique Prophetic Commission that the Church was given whose Apostolic time has surely come. In Isaiah 49:8-9 we find this Decree “...To restore the land and to reassign its desolate inheritance. To say to the captives, ‘Come out,’ and to those in darkness, ‘Be free!’”  And so, whoever will dare look at the gloom of the Masses all around will discover that the time for this Commission’s Implementation is NOW! Multitudes upon multitudes of people all over the World are currently in dire need of massive Deliverance. Just like Elijah called down Fire from heaven and a whole Idolatrous generation was freed; Just like John the Baptist ushered in a Pre-Messianic age of Salvation and Wave of Mass Visitation, so do we find another Prophetic Voice loudly proclaiming Deliverance to the countless Masses around the World. Join God’s Prophetic Deliverance Voice, Dr. Thomas Manton IV, as he once again drops a Divine Light of Inspiration and Direction to this Generation. An Army is about to March to Purpose and so bring whole Nations, Peoples and Cities out of bondage. Are you ready to be part of it? Are you ready to be used of God to restore   desolate places? To decree to those in Darkness, ‘Be free?’ Then get into the spirit and flow of this anointing as you actualize the much needed touch to this Generation telling them it is time for MASS DELIVERANCE!

Secrets To Attaining Wealth

In a Season and Time when many are living under the Fear and Illusion of lacking even an adequate chunk of Provision, God’s Word is once more adjusting the Success case to Limitless levels. God is not just about to bring daily provision; He rather intends that His Saints should be Production Factors in this Current and even coming future Economies. Now, Divine Wealth has been a Mystery if not a serious Skeptic concern to many. To understand it therefore, God’s Prosperity Voice, Dr. Thomas Manton IV, takes time and skill to deeply illustrate this whole subject in a unique way never seen or heard of before. Join him as he unveils unfathomless secrets surrounding this issue and glean from the realities of it. A new revelation river awaits you as you flow with determined wings to new levels of breakthrough in your Finances. As the Wealth Transfer season now sets in, may you now stand to be counted as a testimony of this enduring Grace. All this as you determine to confirm that you finally have the SECRETS TO ATTAINING WEALTH!


The Integrity Of God's Word

John 1 declares: The Word (Jesus Christ) became Flesh and dwelt among us; and He gives great power to those who receive HIM!” Have you taken this seriously? Do you know that God wants to now send us (as He sent Jesus before us) to perform great exploits in this fallen-world? Is God’s Word making a Habitation of Power within you? In this DVD Album, God’s Prophet and Teacher, Thomas Manton IV, releases apostolic truths affirming The Integrity of God’s Word! It is, and will always be, infallible! His Authority and Power will manifest through those who Act in pure faith believing and declaring God’s Holy Word! Endless cycles of defeat will be erased from your life as YOU study, absorb and act on God’s Word and Promises! Let us also heed God’s Voice by His true Prophetic Utterances through His Prophets! They produce new Life! New dimensions of Victory await you as you partake of these apostolically-unveiled Truths! Tell your Friends and Colleagues to get this DVD Album as well! *Enjoy!  

The Nature Of God

He is our loving Heavenly Father, the Source of all Creation; and the Righteous Judge of Mankind. However, there are other sides to God’s nature many have not been so keenly aware of--His Passions and Aggressive Nature! In this profound DVD album, God’s Apostolic and Prophetic Warrior, Thomas Manton IV, teaches and reveals from dozens of Scriptures a deeper side of God in a ‘prophetic-river of revelation!’ Learn why God moves from His seat of Mercy to overthrow the strongholds of His enemies!  Learn more about His compassion for His sons and daughters! Learn more about the Brilliance He is now releasing upon His Leaders in Ministry and in the Business Arenas of the World! Learn more about God’s intense passion to fully advance His Kingdom throughout the Earth! A new Visitation from Heaven will flow into your life as you learn more about God’s true Nature and Anointing in deeper ways through this revelatory Teaching! Tell your Friends and Colleagues to get this DVD Album as well! *Enjoy! 

Keys To Unlocking The Blessings Of God

 We all want and yearn for it and sincerely try living our lives before God in the Hope of Him releasing them to us. The obstacle to many is however this: How do I access Blessings? Can God release me into this surplus overflowing river? Join Dr. Thomas Manton IV, as he timefully gangs up with the Holy Spirit (in your Favour) to reveal to you how to break into this realm. You’ll learn how the Principle of Jesus death and Resurrection can function in your life. *Blessings are just becoming a tangible experience for you as you flow with this Anointing through this series.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

How To Become Devil-Proof

The Bible declares in 1 John 4:4, “Greater is He that is in you
than he that is in the world.” But have you observed that many
of God’s people are still living defeated lives? Many people are
still living in perplexities, complications and oppressions. Why?
It is because the devil is on the loose! In this series, Thomas
Manton IV again gives us that needed insight and a powerfully
anointed commission from Heaven on how to expose, identify
and kick the devil out of our lives and societies! It is time now
to experience God’s glory and His full deliverance in every
area of our lives!*May all of our lives and societies become
devil-proof as we invoke and execute this Apostolic commission
given through this dynamic and detailed Message from
God!*Untold Blessings are waiting for you!

God's Path To Promotion

For every great individual who ever made to that level of
‘limitless favour’ it can be proven that there is a definite path
that they travelled with God. However, this journey has to be
made by obedience through faith. In this timely edition, God’s
Prophet Dr. Manton, shares on this path from a deep well of
experience of his walk with the Lord and the priceless years of
ministry. Countless illustrations of other ‘Generals’ are vividly
shared out. Do you want to see a real illustration of a divine
journey as so far covered by one of God’s most audible voices
on earth today? Then lock into this series and feel God’s Spirit
minister to you. You can never walk in the same depth and
height of expectation after this!

CROSS-OVER: A Prophetic Message To The Church

Just like the Lord said to them in Deut.1:6 -7 “You’ve stayed
long enough at this mountain. Break camp and advance…”
His voice is again repeated by His prophetic voice Dr. Manton.
God has an arena waiting for you. Are you ready? In this series,
the Lord compels us to dare cross that line and get to the
other side. To get there, simply connect to the anointing in this
series. See you in that level! All who hear God’s voice through
His Prophet will never be the same again!

GLORY CARRIERS: A Prophetic Word To The Church

The Heart of God can once more be Felt and His Mind for His
Church Known through this anointed prophetic message delivered
through His prophetic voice Dr. Manton IV. The Lord has
not abandoned His Church! He has timely Plans and Hopes
for Her and you are part of all this! Are you ready? Can He
count on you? As His voice echoes “What would you like to be
remembered for in this life when it’s all over?” A spiritual, yet
emotive moment awaits you as you sink deep in this series.
You are bound for real changes as you listen to God speak
directly to you!

Kill The Middleman

You’ve definitely heard of all these ‘I can fix it all for you’ fellows!
They definitely spoil for us! Did you know that the
greatest plague hindering our society from speedy progress
and excellence are the so-called ‘brokers’? Are you aware that
these same people might have hindered you from real
success? In this power-packed edition. God’s servant Dr.
Manton shares God’s most timely cry for His people to step
out and make things happen for themselves. It’s time for
‘hands on’ experience in your life. Brother, sister: Kill the
Middleman! Get it done NOW: by yourself! All who hear God’s
voice through His prophet will never be the same again!

Laws Of Success

The world of ‘Real’ Success has Specific Laws governing it
and the few who have entered and dwell in this world have to
follow these specific laws. In this series, God’s servant, Dr.
Manton shares over 66 Laws which govern the world of Real
Success. Beloved, it is time for you to get into Real Success
as you keenly assimilate these Laws into your system. Success
is waiting; begin flowing in these Laws Today! All who
hear God’s voice through His Prophet will never be the same

Prophecy Vision Cast For Kenya: 2007-2012

Thomas Manton IV’s “Prophecy Vision Cast For Kenya 2007-2012!” is a unique series of Messages releasing God’s Mind and Heart directly to the Kenyan people! These ‘Live’ Prophetic Services in 2007 & 2008 in Nairobi, Kenya cover God’s Prophetic Predictions through Dr. Manton that have now been gloriously fulfilled concerning the December 27, 2007 Presidential & Parliamentary Elections; and the awesome spiritual, economic, developmental and societal revivals and reformations that God is now decreeing over Kenya’s future! *Make sure all your friends get these Messages too! All who hear God’s Voice through His Prophet now will never be the same again!

Power To Get Wealth

It’s finally official! A massive wealth transfer is coming to the
Church! Are you ready to be part of it? Using vivid Biblical illustrations,
God’s servant, Dr. Manton, takes you through this
reality using a fundamental biblical argument: God gives the
power to get wealth Deut. May He grant you this wealth
anointing as you watch this series. It’s time to get wealth for
the kingdom. Go for it beloved!

Wealth Creation

From the Scriptures, we find that: Good Environment, Wellness of Being, Power and Ability to Rule and Executively Govern, having Peace;  is what Wealth entails!   Are you ready to posses and operate in these? Then prepare to Actually Create Wealth!  Beloved, Wealth is Creatable hence You can actually create and function in it. This is because when God created everything and eventually created you, He put in you the same Creative Power to actively continue in the same Creativity as Him. In order to know how to move in this Creativity, join God’s Prophet, Dr. Thomas Manton IV, as he not only show you how to create Wealth but also how to practically revolve in this Divine dimension. Remember, we already hold a Covenant Promise in Deut 8:18 “It is God Who gives us the Power to get Wealth!”  *You will Receive an Anointing to Create and eventually Release Wealth to advance God’s Kingdom as you watch this series. See you in your ‘Wealth Factory’!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Living InThe Name Of Truth

Many still ask like Pontius Pilate did; “What is Truth?”(John 18:38), Many do not know the Real Answers to this Ageless Questions. They remain bound in the world of facts; thus the Deeper Life of Faith and Freedom evades them.( John 8:32).But did you know that Truth is Jesus Christ Himself? Do you know that Living in Him, and By Him, and doing things in His Name is Truth?(John 14:6).In this series, God’s Prophetic Teacher, Thomas Manton IV, Once again drops timely Revelation about the Tangible Reality of Jesus Christ in a unique and challenging Message to the church. Modern- day Truth demands that we accept Truth over Facts; and the Spiritual above the Intellectual. We must move beyond ‘thinking and speaking’ into living and doing? God’s Truth! And He wants to Empower you: And lead you into great Change, Development and Advancement to fulfill His Mission for your life! The Edification contained in this great Teaching will greatly Bless and Empower you! Prepare yourself now to answer all the ‘Pilates’ of our generation by Living in The Name Of Truth!

The Benefits of Excellence

True Excellence is a 'rare' commodity in many lives, organizations
and societies. Yet God's Excellence-through His
Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Enlightenment and
Revelation is the premiere and outstanding essence of His
Divine Power that causes Advancement, Achievement and
Success for the one who puts it into Appropriate Application
and Action! This revelatory Prophetic Teaching through Dr.
Thomas Manton IV is filled with dozens of revelations of God's
Kingdom Laws that will catapult you into His Divine Success &
Prosperity! Enjoy this awesome "River of Revelation". Go Take
Action and Prosper!

The Attributes, Functions & Leadership Of The Holy Spirit

He convicted you of your need for God; and consecrated you into salvation. He empowered you to overcome the evils of this world, and know the realities of His glorious Spirit world. You’ve seen His chosen and anointed vessels releasing His mighty Power and Word. But do you realize there is much more about the precious Holy Spirit many haven't seen or understood? He is not only the author of charismatic- manifestations, but He's the bountifully- brilliant and meticulously-detailed Creator of all things1 So, too, He wants to teach YOU how to live an excellent, skilled and fulfilled life; even more than your imagination can ask or think! This anointed Message and Teaching- -captured 'live' in Nairobi, Kenya, in a special service celebrating Pentecost-will pour out to you a unique, prophetic-river of revelation! In this DVD, God's Prophet, Dr Thomas Manton IV, ministers under a heavy Anointing declaring dozens of Scriptures, insights and timeless-truths about the truth nature of the Holy Spirit! Get ready to soar to new heights in life; and learn so much more as you watch "The Attributes, Functions & Leadership Of The Holy Spirit!'' *Untold Blessings are waiting for you!

New Prophecies For Kenya For 2012 & Beyond

A New Prophetic-Visitation Has Occurred! On May 12th & 13th, 2011, In Nairobi, Kenya, The Holy Spirit Spoke Again, Very Lengthy And Detailed New Prophecies For Kenya For 2011 & Beyond!''Through His Prophets, Dr Thomas Manton IV. God Said, First And Foremost, That He is Now Releasing His Spirit Of Wisdom Upon Those That He is Calling To Be His New- Leaders & New Remnant! We Also Know, After Hearing God's Voice Repeatedly, That He is Also 'Firing' Several Of The Wicked-Compromisers That Have Caused So Many To Suffer! A Fresh-Anointing is Coming Upon His Own Elect Now, To Help The Nation Of Kenya Walk Into Its Blessed- Destiny! Enjoy These New Prophetic- Messages From Heaven On These Anointed New CD Albums; And Get The Books! Fierce- Innovation is Coming In Kenya Now; And YOU Need The Information God Has Just Released Here In These Sacred-Volumes Through His Prophet! * Tell All Of Your Friends And Colleagues To Get These New Prophetic- Messages Now!

Success & Increase

Know This! Success & Increase is God's ONLY Plan For You! Why? ''So You Can Do More For Him! God Gets No Great Glory From You, Or Any One Of His Precious Children, If You Are Living In Defeat & Despair! This Dynamically Revelatory Teachings Series, God's Prophet, Dr Thomas Manton IV, Delivers Dozens Of Timeless-Truths, Kingdom Principles & Scriptures That Will Help The listener Move Into Greater Success, God's Way & Fulfill His Or Her Divine-Destiny! We Are Called, Commissioned & Chosen By God To Advance His Kingdom Through The Earth! And We Can Only Do That If We Are Successful & Increasing In What He has Commanded Us To Do! This Special Teaching Series Contains Nearly Four Hour Series Of Instruction On How You & Every Listener Can Experience Success & Increase- God's Way! Enjoy This DVD Series, And Get Ready To Prosper Greater Than Ever Before, As You Hear What is On God's Mind & Heart Concerning Your Precious Life...."We'll See You On The Mountaintop! * Tell Your Friends & Colleagues To Get This Brilliant Teaching Of God.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

40 Prophetic Action-Keys To Achieving Success In Ministry!

  1. Discern and discover God’s specifically-detailed calling, anointing, gifting and assignment for you to fulfill in the earth now through your precious life.
  2. Quickly adhere to and take aggressive action regarding God’s specific instructions to you; without motivation for anything except to purely obey His Voice!
  3. Give yourself and your life, time and schedule to God, paying any price, to excel in becoming and being the vessel that He lives in and moves through to greatly impact and dramatically change the lives of countless individuals and multitudes of people.
  4. Ask God to 'flood' you with His wisdom and discernment;and His brilliant 'street-smarts' and 'common-sense'.You will need that more and more as you go deeper into your God-assignment in the days ahead of you!
  5. Always Tithe consistently, and regularly Sow Seed into the fertile and anointed Soils of other productive-Ministries.
  6. Pray much more than you are doing right now! The greatest place you can ever be is sitting at the feet of Jesus, experiencing His power, and listening to Him!
  7. Only work on Projects and Assignments God Himself has told you to do.
  8. Read and study the Word of God more. Also ingest knowledge and revelation from materials composed by brilliant thinkers, and successful and experienced mentors. The ‘horizons’ of your mindset will expand through doing this, and you will achieve more!
  9. Study, know and take action with God’s laws that govern Kingdom-Success and Prosperity. You will gain a greater Testimony; and achieve much bigger things in shorter-periods of time!
  10. Always retain good spiritual-covering from seasoned Elders. Their counsel andadvice will provide wisdom and protection. Their counsel will save you from trouble, and from costly attacks and diversionsthat come against your God-ordained focus. 
  11. Live and Walk in the Power of the Holy Spirit. Do whatever it takes for you to stay, live, walk and work in God's 'glory-zone' for you!
  12. Understand that the Word of God is true; and that the blessings or consequences of your decisions based on what is written therein are absolutely guaranteed, either for good or for bad!
  13. Memorize the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes, and Live by them!
  14. Get experienced now! Work hard now! Do not wait for anything. Procrastination is a thief! Learn life's valuable lessons quickly through doing as much as possible now!
  15. Live a ‘holy’ and ‘biblically-integritous’ lifestyle. If you do not, be assured, you will truly regret it not living right!
  16. When you do what is ‘right’, who and what is ‘wrong’ will get moved out of your way!
  17. Improve your awareness’s about everything that is relevant for your successes; and also for possible failures.
  18. Invest your Time wisely into what will be most productive for you, based on God’s plans for you.
  19. Find your ‘dream-team’. Work with loyal and productive people. Loyalty gets proven, and productivity is obvious.
  20. Know that some that come to you are merely ‘opportunists’. They only want what they can ‘advantage’ out of you. Discern and dismiss these people as quickly as possible.
  21. Focus your time working in the areas where you are strongest.
  22. Find others to work for you in the areas where you are weak. Militantly guard access to your life from the ‘wrong’ people. Be aware that today’s participants could be tomorrow’s enemies.
  23. Be careful about confiding in and trusting people blindly, or in too much detail. The devil will often try to hurt you the most through the people that had the closest access to you.
  24. Never underestimate what the devil will conspire and attempt to do to destroy your life and your credibility.
  25. Never sit back during a season of attack. Get counsel and covering immediately, and get intercessors praying for you!
  26. Deeply assess and discern the environment or location you are in. Discover what the devil does to hurt Ministries in certain locations and environments. Be fore-warned and fore-armed to take extra steps to avoid the pitfalls and traps others have tragically experienced there. Little foxes come for the tender, ripe grapes, and to spoil the vine. The only good use for foxes is tying their tails together and lighting them on fire to destroy the enemies’ fields!
  27. Be observant and astute to assess the environments and cultures you find yourself in, and honour, where necessary,the leaders therein. Follow necessary protocols, because you want people to ‘like’ you, and always desire your ‘return’.
  28. Always be ‘professionally’ courteous, even when you do not feel like doing it!
  29. Keep developingbetter communication-skills.
  30. Develop your diction and better-delivery in speech so more people can hear you clearly and receive your messages. (If you have a strong ethnic accent, you will need to refine and advance your speech if you want more audiences to receive you. Remember, if people cannot understand your speech, they cannot receive your message!
  31. Expand your intellectual capacity through an increased vocabulary.
  32. Invest time in empowering, training and encouraging others.
  33. Preach about what you are passionate about.
  34. Speak about the things you have experienced tangible-testimonies from.
  35. Always Live above Ignorance, for Ignorance is too costly.
  36. Never 'Sow' your Time, Resources or Energy into anything that is non-productive.
  37. Learn from mistakes, and do not repeat them.
  38. Value Integrity, and Work, Walk and Live by It!
  39. Experience is a great teacher, but operating in Wisdom and Godly-counsel now will save you years of struggle.
  40. A positive and optimistic attitude will always be instrumental in helping you overcome any problem that comes against your precious-Life. Your attitude determines your altitude! God will get you out of any problematic-situation, no matter how bad it seems, as you obey Him, and keep praising Him!

Monday, 24 October 2011


Dr. & Prophet Thomas Manton IV, I thank Almighty God for continuing to speak His Words to us through you, His noble vessel.  May your voice now be heard by many more millions of people around the world, so they too may be blessed. You are truly a man after God’s own heart.  E.W.N. - Nairobi, Kenya


Greetings, Prophet Dr. Thomas Manton IV, I attend your Meetings, and I can gladly say, God is using you! God is manifesting His Word that He spoke through you. I am seeing our young people now shining, singing and glorifying God. And, the latest technology is now in the Church, and I see you are using it! It was in your Meeting, that I saw, for the first time, a Pastor preaching with  a Laptop! Amazing! I am Praying for you. Continue listening to God, and continue telling us what He is saying. I am so excited about it! W.M. – Nairobi, Kenya


Dear Thomas Manton, May I take this opportunity to thank God for the wonderful things He is doing to Kenyans and many all over the world because of your Life and Ministry. The Prophecies you have delivered are quite inspiring. I pray that God will continue using you in even mightier ways in telling the world the divine plans Almighty God has for the Nations. Thomas Manton, you are a true instrument of God. I pray that God showers you with His blessings as you continue working in His vineyard. Please how do I get your latest Prophecy Messages concerning the children of God, and concerning Kenya in particular. God bless you, Prophet.  P.N.N. – Nairobi, Kenya


I am celebrating the Man of God, Dr.Thomas Manton IV, for your inspiring words, and for being such a great blessing to our beloved Nation of Kenya.  D.M.M – Nairobi, Kenya


Dear Prophet Thomas Manton IV, I am writing to thank you and God for my financial miracle! Praise God! How I thank God for you! Since I started coming to your Meetings, and started supporting the Ministry through my tithes and offerings, I have seen God doing new miracles for me! I pledged so much in the Meetings, that I actually did not know where the money would come from. But the Lord then opened an international trip for me last week, and I received much more than enough, and I paid all my vows. I am so blessed by your Ministry! I will continue tithing and pledging there for the expansion of your great work in advancing God’s Kingdom. God bless you so much. You are a real blessing to us all. Good day!  A.M. – Nairobi, Kenya

Friday, 21 October 2011


Dr. Manton ministers the Gospel in full, and has given himself up to serve the Lord without reservation. I was listening to one of his messages entitled: “Soul winners Arise!” In it, he explained the need for every Christian to be witnesses of the Gospel, and the Message that Christ came to save the lost! I was moved with his passion and desire to inspire listeners to become messengers of the Gospel and the Good News of Christ. Yes, Dr. Manton preaches righteousness! - DZ - Jun. 27, 2009


When Dr. Manton prophesied about the 2002 elections, he was well-received by the people of Kenya, in multitude. All his prophetic-words came to pass. We all saw them being fulfilled one-by-one. Then, in 2007, he received several more Prophecies from God for Kenya. This time, the nation was divided on tribal-grounds, and some tried refusing to correctly ‘hear’ what God had spoken through Dr. Manton then. But ‘guess what? Once again, all that he said came to pass! He is a man of God!   -DZ- Jun. 26, 2009


Matthew 7:1 says:  “Judge not, that you not be judged.”  I have been to Dr. Thomas Manton IV’s Ministry, and I have been very much blessed. I have no doubt about him whatsoever. The Bible tells us we know one by their fruits. Watch out, everybody, God’s Prophet is here! - DZ - Jun. 25, 2009


I have been following Dr. Manton’s ministry for some time. In that I can testify that he is a TRUE Prophet. When he prophesies to individuals, to nations, or to the Body of Christ, he records them. He is not a vague prophet. We’ve seen the prophetic words that have come through him being fulfilled. In fact, he is one of the Major-Prophets of our time, and he is accurate. He also greatly desires to see the church rising. He is unique. Dr. Manton is not one of those who prophesies merely about houses and cars to people. Nor does he fail to record his messages like so many others, perhaps because they are not even sure of their own ‘prophetic-words. I have my own testimony of new blessings that have come upon me as the result of being connected to Dr. Manton’s Ministry.  - B.N - Jul. 5, 2009


I attended Dr. Manton’s prophetic-service on December 23rd, 2007 where he predicted President Kibaki’s re-election, and he also publicly predicted the ethnic-chaos that would follow. The many things he predicted that evening actually happened afterwards. In another 2007 prophetic-meeting in Nairobi, Dr. Manton testified how he had led prophetic-prayers to dethrone the demons of Koinange Street –a red light district street in Nairobi. Now, we are seeing changes there, with the removal underway now of some of the illicit nightclubs there. I live and work in Nairobi, and this is all very exciting indeed! Our city is changing for the better!  - J.C. - Jun. 25, 2009


Behold the man who even prophesied the election of President Mwai Kibaki in 2002, and then he prophesied again, his re-election in the bloody 2007 elections. Dr.Thomas Manton IV’s prophetic-voice was so powerful, that his DVD was re-played ‘live’ to the President just a few days before his controversial re-election at a prominent city church-in Lang’ata, Nairobi.   - O. S. - Jun. 25, 2009

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Prophecy To Switzerland

The Word of the Lord comes unto me saying unto the Nation of Switzerland: 
A “Holy Ghost-Revolution” is coming to Switzerland! New visitations from Heaven will come to you in new ways now in Switzerland, declares the Sovereign Lord! New moves of My Spirit will begin to move across your Nation now to touch many people in many new ways! 
My new visitations will begin to move very strongly in the eastern-part of your Nation. A region along the Eastern border will be hit by Me; along with your five major-metropolitan Cities.  Five key-cities in Switzerland will be hit in great ways with the new things I am about to do in your land, says the Lord!  
I will cause My Church to begin to rise up now in new and powerful ways to begin to destroy the old-religiosity that has left My people religious, but basically powerless. I will show you now the prevailing orders of religious powers, religious devils and religious orders that re standing so strongly in your nation. But now, I will work with you, My anointed remnant, and I will empower you to rise up against them, and together, we will see them begin to crumble and they will eventually be destroyed!  
I will even do something inside the government of Switzerland to thwart these religious forces! They have been binding multitudes from receiving My true salvation and healing and deliverance! I will cause something new to be put into motion coming out from inside your government to stop their control over people. I would desire to even totally stop them from being, says the Lord!  
A disbanding is coming to these religious forces! And your government will have their hands in assisting this cause of Mine!  
A shift is coming in your land! A great awakening will begin to rise up in your people. A great hunger for the new things I am about to do! 
Something new will begin to be planted in the hearts of My anointed sons and daughters beginning in the months of March, April and May of 2009. You will begin to hear new things from Me in this season as you pray and wait upon Me, says the Lord!  
I am seeing a vision here of God’s people walking and marching with flags in their hands, sometime during your summer-months. I see them raising their voices aloud with God’s praises. I see a radical army of people rising to carry the Name of the Lord to your streets! I see some citizens in those communities saying: “Do not do that! What is wrong with these people? Are they crazy? Have they lost their minds?”  
But I tell you, My people, says the Lord, that the spiritual force of My people will intensify so much that many of My people will grow tired now of only staying inside the four-walls of the Church!  
Staying quiet and staying home with your saved brothers and sisters and families does not bring the saving-Gospel of Salvation out there where the lost multitudes need it! I will begin to stir the hearts of My people now to ask: “What about our nation? What about the high-percentage of our population that are lost and going to hell if they do not get saved?  
If My Church does not tell them the good-news, then how can they be saved? How can they hear without a preacher? And how can they receive the Gospel, unless the preacher is sent to them? I spoke to My prophet Ezekiel that he had a responsibility concerning the lost.  
In Ezekiel 3:18, I said: “When I say to the wicked, You shall surely die; and you do not give him warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked one shall die in his iniquity; but I will require his blood at your hand. 
I said that if you do not warn a man of the results of sin, I will even require his blood at your hand if you did not carry the remedy of My Word to Him. I will now cause conviction to come upon the hearts of My people to move strongly into evangelism, says the Lord.  
I will release great breakthroughs in soul-winning even into the top hierarchies of your government, says the Lord. I will touch three particular men in the high-places of your government. Two will want to keep it private, but at least one of them will come out publicly down the road about his faith in and commitment to Christ. He will only hint about his faith first though. When you see this, know that he is one I have touched.  
I will begin to infiltrate the government of Switzerland with righteousness! I will now put My people into strategic-positioning for the purpose of infiltrating the top-echelons of the Swiss government arenas with My power and My Spirit, says the Lord!  
Your Television airwaves and programming have been oppressed, held back, restricted and restrained from broadcasting My truth. But I will now break your airwaves and broadcasting loose from their oppression, says the Lord!  
Your local channels and local stations that said ‘no’ to My Gospel will be turned around! I will open their doors and make them say ‘yes’ to Me! My Word will be spoken and declared over the airwaves into the houses of all the people of Switzerland.  
Many do not yet have all the satellite-channels airing in their homes, though the technology and ability is there. So I will cause your local stations to be deregulated from their oppression against Christianity, and My Word will go forth now! The common-man will be able to turn on his television set and hear Me talking through My people!  
You must pray now, My people, and declare and prophesy to the powers-that-be that My movements will now overtake all of theirs! Many things do not change in many societies because there is no prophetic-voice for Me crying aloud and sparing not!  
You must also now pray, declare and prophesy that only the right and relevant voices get on these new openings in the airwaves! Do not allow those religious-ones get on the airwaves that have no power to change anything in the spirit. These have been on Christian Television programming all over the world for far too long, and nations have not been transformed enough yet!  
Some with either weak or just plain wrong doctrinal viewpoints have stood around pontificating messages to the masses that do not mean much at all in the order of transforming one’s life. This is a waste of My time and resources. There are yet others who make it their unholy mission of criticizing anyone who is powerful because they feel threatened by what they do not have or do not yet understand due to their spiritual ignorance.  
I see a vision here of a stubborn ‘legalistic-type’ of control coming through these heads of the religious-orders. It appears that they have made their oppression and control into their own elite club, where their leadership dictates to all what happens by their approval, or in what is acceptable or not acceptable based on their terms and policies. This tells me that this is demonic, and that it has become institutionalized in your society.  
After the next few years, I will have begun the weakening and dismantling of these religious-forces. And their ultimate destruction will still yet come, at a later time, as My spiritual revolution in Switzerland continues to take place!  
In the years coming, commencing from the year of 2012, you will begin to see the reverberation of a new reformation that will be powerfully instituted in your land spiritually, and also somewhat naturally.  
I will continue touching those of high-esteem and high-estate and those from high-society. They will also have a part in My move in supporting it and spreading it, says the Lord!  
Revival and spiritual-revolution and reformation will break forth in your land, O Switzerland! It must start with revival though. If people do not have My life manifested enough in them, they do not possess My power in enough of the big measures necessary to bring forth spiritual-revolution and reformation.  
I will pour out My Spirit now in abundance amongst your people. I will baptize you in My fire and Spirit in measures you may not have known before.  
I will work to remove fear, intimidation and manipulation placed in your society by the evil-one.  
I see a vision here of surveillance going on from your government that studies the activities of what Churches are doing. You would not see this on the surface, but it is going on behind the scenes. I see someone that is planning to report on somebody to cause a problem for a certain man of God that is moving now in God’s power. But this ‘messenger’ does not now know that God will touch him in the process. He will not be able to report, but he will get saved in the process, and turn back the other way! 
I will infiltrate all levels of your society with My touch. And revival will genuinely touch so many people. Get ready for this, says the Lord!  
I will both begin and do many great and miraculous things in this year of 2009. It will be the year of great favour in demonstrative measures. Many blessings you will just have to call ‘crazy’ because you will not be able to explain them in natural terms. This is the Year of Favour for your chosen-elect, Lord! *So be it, in Jesus’ mighty Name! 
I decree that supernatural financial-abundance and even surplus will come to ministries to fund their visions! I decree that the things that need to be paid for on even high-levels will be supernaturally paid for now!  
Many things I want done do not get done because people are either unwilling to produce funds, or just lacking them. Projects that do not get paid for do not get done. Brilliant staffs are needed. Funding is needed for them.  
Father God, I thank you that the things that are binding up and withholding your people’s finances are now being destroyed by Your mighty power! Nothing is impossible for you! Do it now, Lord, and cause Your abundant provisions to flood every endeavour for Your Work, in Jesus’ mighty Name!  
These will now be the days when we will see anything needed granted to us! And we will have the best people possible avail themselves to do Your Work with us!  
Lord, let Your true Church stop looking for greatness in the hearts of fools and inept people that are un-able, un-trained and un-learned.  
Lord, let Your true Church never put people in charge of things that do not have the ability, intelligence, learnedness or skills to do the jobs that are so crucial to the success and breakthroughs for us advancing Your Kingdom!  
Let Your true Church stop the foolishness! We need professional-excellence in Your House! We need the best and most skilled people at the helm of every department we institute!  
It is often said that you can take a faithful man and make him able. But that is quite a process! And some people just do not have affinity for certain things! We need pre-programmed geniuses for Your Work!  
The Church and many Ministries have been guilty of taking anyone who comes along and acts a bit interested and available! But beware! Many come because they have nothing else to do, and some come with untoward personal agendas!  
The Elijah-Elisha principle is, however, a different system and order altogether. This takes time, even several years in actual reality. You cannot look to a son or daughter in ministry to run things in the business-realm, marketing-realm, media-realm, technical-realm, or in the administration-realm on high-levels if he or she is not gifted and skilled in such.  
Several Churches and Ministries have been lacking wisdom in this area. The world runs their businesses and companies well with highly-skilled people and they succeed! And they have influence! Meanwhile, the Church many times lags behind in proficient standards of excellence, thus, they lose greatly in the realms of commerce and production.  
Father God, I ask You to give Your true Church Your wisdom and direction and guidance in these serious matters. Several of Your leaders have had things moving at a slow-pace and on small-scales because they have been too trusting of people. They just hoped for the best in people. And those people they set in place did not have the necessary abilities to perform on high-levels, so Your Work suffered. This is not only a set-back; it is a tragedy! 
Lord, please pour out and develop Your brilliance in Your people now, so they can advance Your Kingdom! Bring forth a restructuring now that will cause great advancement through Your leaders and Your people in business-matters, in Jesus’ mighty Name! *Amen!  
Lord, I decree that new administrations, new brilliance and new excellence will spring forth in all of the areas of things and operations needed to reach the masses with Your Word, Presence and Power! Let the best and most abundance for producing marketing for the mass-media come forth and be created now! Grant Your chosen ones all the money, finance, resources and equipment and staff needed to perform what you are doing now through them, in Jesus’ mighty Name! *Amen!  
I am seeing a vision here of what looks like a pipe-line going deep-down into the earth. I can see that there is a certain type of flag on the top of it. It appears that some types of new natural-resources will be found in the land of Switzerland. It could be natural gas or oil or some precious commodity that has been hidden under the ground. Whatever this is, when it is discovered and harvested, Switzerland will gain new power and influence on the ‘world-map’ of the business-arena in new ways. What it is specifically is not clear now to my gaze, but this thing will be developed, and Switzerland will gain new recognition for it!  
Inside the nation of Switzerland, the church-world has remained in a calm, quiet and even obscure posture. The full-Gospel has almost been unheard of! But now, this all will change! I will raise up My leaders and sons and daughters to carry My glory-fire and glorious-Gospel saving, healing and deliverance power to the people of your nation. Do not fear men’s reviling or persecutions. Just obey Me, and I will bless and reward you for it, says the Lord!  
The times are changing now! I do not want you to merely-exist. I want to make you all revolutionaries for Me, says the Living God! I want you all to take the Kingdom by force! My Spirit will reside in and burn in you. You will find yourselves getting grieved and even angry at the way things are now. You cannot accept things as they are now anymore. You will toss and turn at night and in the morning. I will cause this conviction of My Spirit to come upon you. I will lead you in My cause to bring forth change in your nation. You cannot accept things they way they are, and leave things the way they are any longer. I will have you think about what can be done, and I will give you brilliant ideas.  
I will pour out My fire upon you, and you will become revolutionaries for Me, says the Living God! The days of the shift are now coming upon you, and I will lead you in the way you should go. You will walk in My ways; and no longer in the ways of religiosity, says the Lord!  
I will lead you out of the bondages of religious-control and compromise; and you will now walk in the life and fire and power that I am granting unto you from My own nature, says the Lord!  
I will also cause these prophecies to get on the lips of some of My servants in the coming days. I will also send some of My servants in from the outside to echo and declare these things.  
I am preparing My people now for the coming magnanimous-movements of My Spirit and Power! I will see in manifested-reality the Destiny that I have ordained for the nation and people of Switzerland, says the Spirit of Almighty God!

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Prophetic Words To Mongolia, Tibet, The Northern Parts Of The Asian Continent, And Singapore

Dr Thomas Manton IV ~ To Asian Continent
Changes over China you will see! And many things concerning China will now become very ‘vocal’ and even ‘global’ throughout the world’s media. The ‘attention’ of the world will come to China, and the media will talk about many developments there. This will not be any ‘one-time’ event, but it will be an ongoing breakthrough for the ‘destruction’ of the works of hell over many generations, centuries, and yea, even ‘millennia!’ Freedom and liberation is coming to the masses, the multitudes of people that live in that great nation, says the Lord God Almighty!
I will move even into Mongolia and Tibet and even up into the Northern parts of the Asian Continent, says the Lord. In the northern parts, there will come great deliverance and freedom from demonic powers that have ruled there for a very long time, even for millennia. There are very strong ‘networks’ of demonic principalities in Northern Asia. But there is now coming an ‘unveiling’ of what they are, and what they are doing, and how they got there. I will anoint, appoint, raise up and assign many to go back and uproot their even ‘ancient’ works, says the Lord! Their chains of power and hierarchies in the spirit realm will be chopped down! I have many intercessors already praying on the wall! Many have fasted and prayed, and surely I will now bring these powers and principalities down, says the Lord!
Many have not known that they have been under the spell of the wicked one, and under the strongholds of principalities, powers, rulers of darkness in this world, and wicked spirits in high places. Somehow they did not know that they were being held captive, and why they thought certain ways, and why they did certain things, and why they did not want to do certain things. Certain celebrations and things instituted by their ethnic cultures and traditions in their provinces and regions at times connected, compromised, combined and cooperated even with the ‘evil one.’ But the Lord says; “Surely now I will overturn many of these practices that even entreated devils, and I will give great breakthroughs to the peoples and nations of the North in Asia, says the Spirit of the Lord. People will be liberated all throughout the continent of Asia now greater than ever before, says the Lord your God! Click here for more

Monday, 17 October 2011


Thomas Manton IV is a great man of God called to shake nations! God has assigned him to confront the principalities and powers over Kenya. The dark-forces there attempted to hinder what God wants to do, but they did not prevail (Like in Revelation 12). We also see in Scripture that Michael the Archangel had to fight the prince of Persia, but God’s Blessing got through anyway!


“Keys For Divine Success!” -From The Ministry Of-  Dr.Thomas Manton IV
Replace Negative Thoughts With Positive Ones Now – About Life, Yourself, And Others; And Greater Success Will Begin To Blossom In Your Life In Greater Ways!

Prophecy To The ‘Church-At-Large'

The church-at-large will begin to understand that it is not just you here in your place, and the missionaries are out there in their place, and it is so hard and so tough for them. You only focus on their suffering!
Oh, we see the magazines of the suffering and the martyrdom of many, and how they have been persecuted. Yes, we need to see that. Yes, we need to pray. But that is not indicative of everything that is going on there. It?s not all so tragic.
My presence is with My people there. My glory is with My people there. I am moving there. People are getting saved. People are getting healed. People are getting baptized. People are getting delivered. People are coming into the family of God.

I see that the Lord is going to ordain a magazine that is going to go around the world. I don?t know who He is going to use to do this, but it is going to literally depict revival and depict the positive aspects of what is happening even in the ?hard places? of the world. Others have just portrayed the violence and the devastation and the murder and the persecution and the horrible things that have been happening even to My people. But the Lord is going to cause this thing to become a reality.
The Lord says that two other Christian Networks, even in America, will I raise up in years to come. One will be large, but another one will be absolutely massive. They will rival even in their viewer ship, and the amounts of broadcast quality and quantity of the world, even what the other great network and networks have done before.

The Lord says I am now raising up a new breed and a new company of ministers that are going to carry My fire. It will be like the Saul and David fight where the Saul?s will say, ?we are the rulers and who is this young David? And David will just say ?Praise the Lord!? He sent me. He has anointed me. I am not going to apologize for it. We will just see what happens. And surely, even as David ended up being king on the throne, so it will be for these My servants that I am raising up in this day and hour.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Prophecies To Denmark

Dr Thomas Manton IV ~ Prophecies to Denmark
New Prophecy To Denmark-Through-Thomas Manton IV(Wednesday, April 26th, 2006)
The Holy Spirit began to speak to me a few days ago about some new developments that will take place in Denmark in the coming season...I am making note of them here tonight in London, England. The Word of the Lord comes unto me saying to the Nation of Denmark:

”The Nation of Denmark will experience greater spiritual breakthroughs in the year of 2007, says the Lord! I will target and challenge even government leaders and business tycoons and celebrities to receive My Gospel, says the Lord! My true Church remnant will begin to rise in a greater witness with a greater boldness and militancy to penetrate the evils in your land and society, says the Living God!

Benny Hinn’s Copenhagen Crusade will be marked with a special and unusual touch this coming Weekend. I will have him speak Prophetic Words over Denmark that I will honour in the next season in your Nation, says the Lord! These words will not be lengthy but will carry much weight in the Spirit.

I will do a new thing in your land in 2007, says the Lord! Great new breakthroughs and great new awakenings will open before My people. It will be the time to reach out to the lost greater than ever before! Souls are on My heart, says the Lord! I want you to win souls! Your greatest church workers and Kingdom advancers are now yet sinners! Find them and lead them to Me; and I will bring them into My Salvation, says the Lord!

Prophecies To Tanzania

Dr Thomas Manton IV ~ Prophecies to Tanzania
The Word Of The Lord Comes Unto Me, Saying Unto The City Of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Dar Es Salaam will be shaken by My Mighty Power, says the Spirit of the Living God! I am going to have My chosen servants there take on a ‘new mantle’ to become more militant and violent in the Spirit! And though the attacks coming back from the devil’s forces will be many; in the end a mighty new harvest of souls will be won into My Kingdom, says the Lord thy God!
My will is for one thousand new churches to be born into existence in that great city, says the Lord! I don’t want ‘churches’ that will just ‘exist!’ I want these ‘churches’ to grow and flourish in the land, and bring the mighty harvest in!
The Lord will grace this great city in many new ways. The entire economic climate of the city shall be changed. Promotions and upgrades all across the city shall be brought forth in time to come. You are coming into a ‘new day!’
I will grace My servants there with great prosperity, if they will abide in Me, and operate in My laws, says the Lord!
Lord, we thank you that your Kingdom is being advanced in Tanzania now in greater ways and measures than ever before, in Jesus’ Majestic and Mighty Name! *Amen!
International Copyright 2004. *Thomas Manton IV * Dominion International. All Rights Reserved. This Prophecy may be reprinted (In Its Entirety) with the Author’s Permission, and with full display of the Author’s Contact Information only. Please also send us an Original copy of the publication(s). You may also Print, Forward or Download this Prophecy for Distribution to Individuals and/or Organizations for their Spiritual Enrichment and Edification. May God Richly Bless You!