Friday, 18 November 2011

Prophecies for America -Through- Dr. Thomas Manton IV

The Word of the Lord comes unto me saying to the United States of America:

  1. A great new season of revival will hit many people and many places in in America! New Visitations and Moves of My Spirit will sweep across many places in America soon!
  2. In God’s very next breath, as I was listening to Him speaking to me, He said: “This current moment of time is the preparation season for revival and reformation. He said to me: “As much and as hard as you prepare for My coming to you will determine how much you will receive, and how much you will then retain My Visitations when they come. I ultimately want to make My Visitations become permanent habitations in you.”
  3. My Fire and Visitations will hit many churches along the Southeast Coast of Florida from Melbourne to Miami.
  4. A greater spiritual breakthrough will commence in the Northwest in Seattle&Portland and their surrounding regions.
  5. A sovereign touch of revival will hit certain people and places in the western part of the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
  6. The City of Chicago will experience a supernatural movement of unity from My Spirit amongst its church leaders.
  7. The great ‘harvest-fields’of California are yet on God’s mind, and will become more ripe in the coming days. God will infiltrate their industries and peoples with His own Visitations in greater ways in days ahead.Look for breakthroughs in many parts of California in the coming season. I will touch the societies and cities there, in many parts of the State, and from Sacramento to San Francisco to San Jose to Los Angeles to San Diego. 
  8. A great spiritual dearth and dryness will begin to be felt in the State of Texas. This will cause many to begin to have a new and intense hunger for true revival. Many hearts will begin to cry out and erupt with zeal and passion for seeing in manifestation what God wants to do in that State.
  9. A new coalition of leaders will emerge in the State of Louisiana to form a strategic link to gather leaders from around the Nation to launch a National movement calling for unity and revival amongst church leaders.
  10.  A new Prayer-revival and a new release of brilliant and creative Kingdom Entrepreneurs will erupt from within New York City, and the surrounding regions. 
  11.  In 2004, God spoke to me saying that the Iraq Invasion would become a very complex disaster. He told me that the conflict would not end quickly like Desert Storm. He said these issues will be extensively spoken about in the media, and that this would seriously backfire on Pres. George W. Bush, and make him extremely unpopular. This would be openly talked about. God said that fights and strife’s and debates would come out in the media. This happened. But now, God is working on diminishing it all. And now, the Lord says, the Iraq Issue, that became very intricate and hard to solve, back from 2004, will now finally get resolved. What became a problem for George W. Bush and America will now finally be diverted.
  12.  America seems to be in danger from terrorist threats, but we are praying! The Church must rise up now, taking authority over ALL subversive plans of the devil and evil-doers. God’s true people can no longer sit back and be complacent, saying world issues don’t affect them.
  13.  It is time for the Church to pray and fall on our faces once again!  It is time we all get serious and do battle in the realm of the spirit! The devil and his friends are trying to advance in big ways, and they must be stopped!
  14. We are in a season of war. The evils brewing in the spirit world must now be addressed and counter-attacked and ultimately pulverized.
  15.  Anointings to take people into deep realms of deep intercession and prophetic operations are being released to the Church now!
  16. I will have many of My voices challenge My People to get back to Prayer now! It is not enough for My people to live only to ask Me to bless them and their own houses. People need to catch My Fire now with the passion to get caught up into My Presence and intercede effectively for Cities and Nations now!
  17. I will attack and break the strong demonic assignments from hell that have been against you, America! These evils will be broken in the spirit, says the Lord! 
  18. I will now stir up My Church to Pray, not just for things or for certain personal victories, but also to get closer to Me. I need people that will help execute My Will for the coming season in the Earth! I want vessels who revere Me and are broken before Me, says the Lord! 
  19. I want you all to get closer to Me now! What greater thing can ever happen to anyone, rather than getting to know Me more, and really get close to My heart?

More New Prophecy Releases are Coming Soon on for:

The U.S.A, Israel, Iran, Kenya, Bolivia, Bulgaria, China, Australia, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Germany, France, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India,South Africa, Cuba, Colombia, Rwanda, Jamaica, Egypt, Tunisia & the ‘Mediterranean Coast’ Nations, Turkey, Papua New Guinea, Yugoslavia, Jordan, Kuwait, Belize, Madagascar, Tanzania, etc…*Stay Tuned!  And, Visit regularly!

*Always Advancing His Kingdom…
His for the Miraculous…& Yours for the Breakthrough!
*Thomas Manton IV*
Dominion International Worldwide

(International Copyright¨2011¨ Thomas Manton IV ¨ Dominion International¨  All Rights Reserved)

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